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2023-2024 New Work: Facing the Animals

Bryn Du Art Show
Granville, Ohio
This section includes highlights of my participation as an Artist included in the Bryn Du Art Show, during March, 2022.

WoolPaintArt: Exhibition At Bryn Du Art Show

Demonstrating my woolpaint art process

Answering questions of Visitors
My Solo Show at Emergent Art & Craft
In May 2021, I had a month long solo art show at Emergent Art & Craft, a lovely gallery in the Short North's art district in my hometown of Columbus Ohio.
On a lovely May Day, three dear friends joined me for a look at my show and to chat about my artistic process. One friend took videos of our time together. Here's a candid peek and a listen to our chat. There are additional videos in the photo gallery below.
Archived Work:

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